Bakery Board

Check out the new bakery green chalkboard I’m using in my bakery made with Hudson Paint’s Color Chalkboard paint. I have a smaller board for daily messages – my favorite of which is ‘All children left unattended will receive an espresso and a puppy.’
Mikee G. Tivoli Bread and Baking Co., Tivoli, New York
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Reader Comments (6)
Is this a mixture of two colors? I love this color and would love to use it in my kitchen, am thinking of painting some of the white cabinet fronts with hudson, but it looks a bit lighter than the green in the color palate on the website. Thanks!
Nope, that's Bakery Green in the picture. We developed it for a bakery in Tivoli, NY. Let us know if you have any other questions.
Hi! I love this color as well and just ordered it for my kitchen. Do you happen to know what surface they painted the chalkboard paint on to in this picture? Is it directly on the wall or some other surface? I love the framing as well. Any idea where they got it? I would love to replicate this entire look.
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